03 Jul 2017
Recruiting Technical Assistant / Purchaser
For our Rotterdam office we are looking for a Technical Assistant / Purchaser. For more information please see the vacancy here
07 Jun 2017
Recruiting Crewing Assistant
For our Rotterdam office we are looking for a Crewing Assistant. For more information please see the vacancy here
At Misuga Ship Management, we care for your ship just as we care for our own.
Over the past 20 years, this simple fact, along with our passion for quality has resonated with ship owners. We partner with you by being transparent, easily reachable, and responsive to your desires and not just your needs. It is through hearing you that solutions are tailored.
In essence, our approach is simple, but profound. It has seen us grow to be one of the largest ship managers worldwide, with a fleet which exceeds 170 vessels. Our own fleet which now stands at 20 vessels, is set to grow by over thirty percent in the coming two years.
Give us a call (+31 104 041 152 or +852 3420 2301) – and let’s partner in charting your course!